When you need computer repair in Tucson AZ
Don’t settle for a big box RRR solution.
All too often, the “Go To" fix done by many of the large Tucson computer repair centers is to just restore your operating system to when your computer was new. In the industry it’s called RRR - reboot, reformat and reinstall. Which means just like when you got the computer, there will be no pictures, documents, music, videos etc.
This is an easy solution that their entry level technicians can do, and they charge you plenty, but it’s almost never necessary, you lose all your precious data, and can create more trouble for you. Our experienced technicians will take the time to talk with you - and repair your computer without destroying your important data and pictures.
Reliable and professional computer repair Tucson AZ
Continental Computer Services
Hometown Computer Repair in Tucson, Marana, Oro Valley
520 405-9568
Call today!